Request Account Deletion
We are sorry to see you goWe're truly sorry to hear that you're thinking about leaving us. Your presence has meant a lot, and while we hope you'll reconsider, we're here to help make the process as smooth as possible. Below are the steps to delete your TWiST account. If there's anything we can do to improve your experience, please let us know.
From the Business Profile
  • Tap the profile icon (located at the bottom right of the navigation bar).
  • Select "Settings."
  • Choose "Customer Support."
  • Select "Request account deletion" from the quick replies list and one of our agents will promptly reach out to assist you with deleting your account.
From the User Profile
  • Tap the profile icon (located at the bottom right of the navigation bar).
  • Select "Account Settings."
  • Choose "Customer Support."
  • Select "Request account deletion" from the quick replies list and one of our agents will promptly reach out to assist you with deleting your account.